"Tis the season, so I thought maybe some other people are thinking along
these lines.  Is anyone going to breed this year?  I'm thinking about who
I'm going to breed, if I do breed anyone.  I was wondering if anyone feels
they've learned anything from their recent breeding that they'd like to
share.  Here are some other questions for you.

1.  How do you decide whom you want to breed, and to whom?
2.  Do you feel qualified to breed?  If so, why?  If not, why?
3.  What would you like to see in your babies?  How likely do you think you
are you to get what you'd like to see?
4.  Who do you talk to for breeding advice?  People only within this breed?
5.  If you don't breed, but might be looking to buy a young horse in the
next few years, what would you like to ask any breeder you'd encounter?
6.  If you don't breed, why not?  Do you feel like your mare has weaknesses
that you'd rather not pass on?  No interest?  Scared of the health risks to
your mare?   Don't feel like you have the right facilities?  Don't want the
responsibility?  Other?

The more I think about this, the more I'd like to hear from the non-breeders

Karen Thomas

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