In a message dated 2/15/07 11:09:56 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> I love these breeches, but I guess I like Girl Scout cookies better... :(
> Karen Thomas, NC

You and me both, Karen.   But, I'm trying real hard to resist the sugars and 
fats I could eat when younger.   Us old folks must cope with SLOWED metabolism 
I'm a bit confused about size......never having purchased riding 
pants/breeches. I wear a petite size 12 in regular jeans....and am happily 
moving towards 
a loose 12--towards 10   :-)   Sure is difficult to lose weight and inches in 
the so-called golden years <g>.
These tights sound great, and I can sure use all the help I can get to stay 
in the saddle when I ride Paddy (Slettir for those who insist on Icelandic 
names).   Pretty Pila is such a sweetheart, and sooooo brave.   She hasn't 
me and puts up with all my mixed cues and not so great seat--guess us older 
females can really stick together <g>. The braver she is, the braver I am, and 
it goes on and on, and transfers to the Padman.
I about the tights really appreciated, as Pila has 
given me courage to ride Paddington/Slettir.
Kate Basler
Monterey, MA
Paddington/Slettir and Pila, Icelandic horses
Kokopelli, Hackney pony mule
Tess and Bodhi, Irish Water Spaniels
Dorji, Snowshoe cat

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