--- In IceHorses@yahoogroups.com, "Judy Ryder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [] Check out the front legs of the palomino as he's walking 
forwards the 
> camera... what do you see?

It looks like he is rope walking, his legs angle towards the middle. 
His hooves with those boots look huge next to the size of his legs.
> [] Look at the horses heads at the walk... behind the vertical?  
no release?

Absolutely, it looks very tight.
> [] As the horses travel, are their heads comfortable with the 
contact and 
> the bits?

No, the horses are swinging their heads around, trying to escape.
> [] Towards the end of the video, check out the palomino's legs 
again... see 
> anything that might get your attention?

Are his front legs interfering with each other?

> [] Trots... are the riders able to post the trots?

No, I'm still trying to figure out what it is. I think one 
difficulty if that the gait is so fast, in order to post properly 
you are supposed to let the horse push you up and you are not 
supposed to be doing all the work, the horses don't have as much up 
and down movement in the trot as a normal trotting horse, and they 
move so fast it makes it difficult. I think the riders could get 
smoother in sitting the trot though. It seems to me a sitting trot 
would work better with this. 


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