On Sun, Feb 18, 2007 at 11:05:02AM -0600, Wanda Lauscher wrote:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRzIbHm8iKc
> I long for the days I used to be able to do this (...actually about 40
> years ago)....
> Cara's clothing is fairly heavy,  she's wearing her wintercoveralls,
> and her aussie oilskin duster, and my heavy winter boots....

*grin* i can't quite do that on 14hh stjarni from the ground, so i start
with a mounting block.  but he hates the mounting block; seems to think
"she clearly wants to get on, but there's this THING in the way..." and
swings aside to make room :)  i've found the only way to make it work is
to climb the mounting block as fast as i can and immediately throw my
weight across stjarni's back, since he'll stand rock-still for all the
considerable wiggling and struggling and grabbing of mane it then takes
me to actually get on :)

--vicka, using her pony to stay warm again :)

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