On 2/23/07, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Platform horseshoes...I hadn't thought of that.  I don't think that way
> myself, because I'm 5'0" barefoot, and I could care less.  I never wear
> heels - the way I look at it, I can be "very short" and comfortable, or
> "fairly short" and miserable!

I can *totally* understand the side of platform horseshoes or claiming
bigger heights. I try very hard to be honest about my horse's height,
but I always fudge my height my an inch or two. And, thanks to modern
technology they do make heels that are comfortable! ;)

Steph (5'3" in sock feet, but the rest of my family is close to 6')
"Brutality begins where skill ends."
"Correctly understood, work at the lunge line is indispensable for
rider and horse from the very beginning through the highest levels."
Von Niendorff

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