>>>> wrt sidepulls and no bit -- stjarni was taught an "emergency one-rein
stop", according to his trainer.  i've never had to use it.  but since his
head is as big as my whole torso and his neck probably weighs more than i
do, *if* he was spooking and i was trying to do an emergency stop, i suspect
i'd really want the extra leverage of the bit (even if his is only a
french-link snaffle).

Many of the natural-type trainers won't let you use a bit until you've
mastered riding in a halter with a single rein...and that includes doing all
steering, turning and plenty of "bending to a stop" first, and riding at
three gaits (w/t/c).

>>> the middle of a bad spook is not the time to wish you'd used different

It's also not the time to practice bending a horse to stop, or a one-rein
stop.  If these things aren't second nature to you, you probably won't think
to use them in a crisis.

Karen Thomas, NC

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