>>> i think they are being "promoted" as it is, or marketed.  maybe the
question is not do we want them promoted or marketed, but HOW do we want
them promoted as long as its gonna happen anyway.

Very astute observation, Janice.  Yes, they are being "marketed" now.

>>> I think they should be promoted as gaited family pleasure horses.

Me too.  And within most "families" there are ranges of interests in riding,
so I don't think that focus is too narrow.

>>> As for the spaklers...  the Friesian people always show with twinkle
lights, in elizabethan attire.  maybe the icelandics could be demo'd in
twinkle lights in viking attire.

Oh, yeah, the Viking attire would make more people want to run out and buy
one - not!  What is the image of Vikings in the USA?  I think about that
Capital One commercial, that shows the "raping and pillaging" Vikings:
"What's in YOUR wallet?"  "Horse-traders" have enough of a negative image to

Karen Thomas

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