On 3/11/07, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There's always the chance that he's
> had a bad experience with a crop or lunge whip.

Both Orri and Gat react to the stick like they think they're supposed
to lunge.  Then when I stop them, and still use the stick for
'Friendly' I think they get confused about my motives and that's where
the fear is coming in.

> The key will be staying positive and not getting frustrated.  If you do get
> frustrated (and I was the master at it, and I still can do it) change what
> you're doing.

At this point I think I'll just carry the stick around like it's not
there and play with the horses using my hands only.  And I think I'll
do a little clicker just to see how they react.

Orri has already trained me to throw a carrot chip in his dish when he
moves his head away and waits expectantly so I think we could have
some fun with it.

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