>>>>    -why is it not fair if you import a Icelandic to your SE area home I
suggest that you do what you can for 2-3 years to prevent SE. At least the
buyers of my horses are getting some direction of care from me and are very
well aware what to do.

Ok, in that case, I'll back up and apologize.  I only meant what I said when
I've heard people mention SE as a non-problem, minimizing the risks.  Now,
if someone still chooses to import to an SE area, fully knowing the risks,
of course they should take extra care of the horse.  That's their duty, and
I hope they take it very seriously.  I didn't mean to make it sound
otherwise.  I only resent the "blaming" when the sellers don't make it clear
how big the risks are until AFTER the sale.  That happens.  I had someone
try to sell me an import, after telling me that they'd NEVER had an import
develop SE in KY.  (It wasn't Gudmar, and it certainly wasn't Anneliese.  I
won't say more.)  That bothers me - when there's one story before the sale
and another story after.

>>>Is Loftur a import?  and do you live in a very SE area?

Yes, he's my only import and I do live in an SE zone.  However, I bought him
only after he'd been in the USA for five years, thinking his biggest period
of risk was over.  If you are familiar with US geography, he was in south
Florida - which has to be the buggiest part of the country, almost tropical.
I live in North Carolina, about 150 miles from the Atlantic coast - in a
warm temperate climate in the southeastern USA, but not tropical.  I assumed
if he was ok in Florida, he'd be ok here.  But, mainly, I bought him because
he needed help.  He was known to bolt, so not many people wanted him, and
certainly not many people would have paid to have him sent to a more arid
climate.  I've had him three years now.  Keep your fingers crossed.   (He no
longer bolts.  He had some serious pain, which we addressed.)

>>> But neighbor of mum that live´s 5 km away had to put her Icey to sleep
as he was very very ill of SE . I never saw the horse but it was very bad I
was Told. And the care he got I never asked about it. this was for 11 years
ago and the SE wasn´t so much talked about then in Sweden.

I've heard of that happening with other horses - it's very sad.  I'm not yet
SURE that Loftur has SE.  I hope not, and if so, I hope it will be easy to
control.  It will be very hard to find him a home in another climate.

Karen Thomas

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