On 3/17/07, Janet Westminster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One of the stallions is a Keilir look-a-like, and has Keilir's
> beautiful temperament.  This particular stallion is often safely
> ridden by my eight year old granddaughter.  Although his gaits stink,
> we are working on them.  I seriously thought about gelding this
> horse, but Liz Graves said no.  She seldom sees this beautiful
> temperament in a stallion, and said you can train tolt, not
> temperament, so we will see what kind of babies he produces next
> year.

or like some people say "as long as he acts like a gelding we let him
be a stallion".  As for breeding, sometimes you CAN'T train gait.
Sometimes it just isn't there.  When Liz said that, knowing her,
having been to one of her clinics, I imagine she saw your horse had a
conformation for an easy gait.  because Liz knows and often says, that
if a horse does not have conformation to gait then no amount of
training in the world will make it gait!  In fact that is the
birthplace of soring and contrivances and cruel training methods.  I
just wanted to say this Janet, not to be argumentative, but because I
always want to let people know that sometimes a gaited horse can't
gait and it is cruel to try and make them!  It would be like trying to
make me a ballerina.  And believe me, I don't have the conformation,
the training, or the breeding for it :)  anyway.  Just wanted to say
yipie tie yie yo

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