>>I don't want to be around when the shooting starts.

>>> Whoa!  I wouldn't want to be either!  V

So there's a limit to your inner cowgirl, huh, Virginia?  Sorry, this is a
VERY serious topic, and one that worries me no end - I think I just needed a
little comic relief.

Laree, what does the vet say about the effectiveness of the "morning after"
shot?  I think I'd still have her ultrasounded in a few weeks, just to be
safe - but I'm always conservative with re: the health of my mares.  It's
every bit as risky for a mare to have an unplanned pregnancy as a planned
one - maybe more, if he's a lot bigger.   And just as expensive to raise a
mixed breed foal.  I'm so sorry you have to think about all of this....

Karen Thomas

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