On 3/21/07, Wanda Lauscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  I'll probably be going, and it seems there is a bit of interest out
>  here already.  However if I'm helping to organize it, I won't be
>  participating.

(I just got this today!)

That's too bad that you won't be participating... There's a big 4-H
formal I always volunteer for. This year I asked to do something
behind the scenes beforehand so I could get 2 tickets so I can dress
up and go. So far, so good! Sometimes it's fun to just be one of the
crowd and not have responsibilities...

Steph (who's speaking at another formal 4-H thing tomorrow... Dress
Code, solid black... Gotta go find me an outfit!)

"Brutality begins where skill ends."
"Correctly understood, work at the lunge line is indispensable for
rider and horse from the very beginning through the highest levels."
Von Niendorff

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