> and you know what is scaring me??  In two weeks a man age 35 at my old
> job on monday, called in sick with a stomach ache.  On wednesday his
> wife said he was worse and took him to the hospital.  On thursday they
> said he had kidney failure and didn't know why.  On Monday they said
> he had liver failure too and didn't know why.  On Tuesday he was in a
> coma.  On Thurs he was on life support brain dead.  On Fri today, they
> unplugged him and he died!!  I am freaked out!  On the news they said
> the CDC is looking into possibilities of human death from this!  All
> of us here are baffled as to what could have caused this perfectly
> healthy backpacker outdoorsy type to completely die in two weeks!
> Janice
> -- 
> yipie tie yie yo

Yikes. A friend of mine just got word that her previously healthy 48 year old 
father is 
suddenly having complete liver failure and is in ICU. 


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