>"The reception of all the information that comes to us is conditioned
>by many factors. Two people can receive the same information
>and "see" or "understand" it in different ways. The reason for this
>is that the capacity to be aware will be influenced by factors such
>as heredity, upbringing, nationality, education, experience and so
>on. These factors form a mental framework through which what comes to
>us is filtered, and by which it is coloured. They determine not just
>what we see, but how we see it."
>I wanted to repeat the above as I think it's important, and also relates to
>some of the current topics.

Truer words never spoken. I grew up on a tropical island, surrounded by 
several different cultures and my experience with local mustangs is  
apparently not applicable here in the US.

Rachel from E KY

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