On 4/4/07, Janet Westminster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> never heard of it making a horse hyper
> >
> >if a horse is having an allergic reaction..he may become hyper.
> >
> One of my calm gentle mares freaked out on banamine.  The vet said it
> was an allergic reaction and to never give banamine to her again.  I
> have also heard of this happening with ace and rompum.
> Janet
> Caliente, California
what is rompum?  When I purchased him as a weanling at 4 months, to
haul him I gave the breeder ok to give him something her vet
suggested.  I thought it was like quietex which I have used before
with other horses and its ok.  It has valerian.  But this stuff had L
Tryptophan.  He seemed fine.  I checked on him after an hour and he
was pacing the trailer floor, sweating profusely, calling and calling
and basically just flipped completely out.  I called my vet in fla and
this was in texas.  at a truckstop.  He said sit with him quietly for
an hour, try to calm him, and if he did not calm to call him back.  He
basically said it was too stressful at that point to even take him the
hour back to where he came from.  So I sat with him and petted him and
he calmed.  but he was still sweaty.  I called the vet, he said check
him every half hour.  It was one long trip I tell you!  I feel now
that he was too young to be hauled so far.  and he had only just
weaned a couple of weeks before.  But checking him every half hour, I
had been given another tube of the calmer to give him after 4 hours I
think, maybe six, it said on the tube.  It was EXACTLY when it should
have worn off that he stopped sweating and quieted completely.  So now
I just wonder if he has opposite reactions.  I know when sedated he
drops like a rock even tho i tell them every time to sedate to effect,
that he takes it hard...
yipie tie yie yo

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