...the person that bred your boy, did so at some time and
> expense...and unless she is independently wealthy could not keep
> breeding for profit if she were to sell her foals at a monatary loss.
>  Breeding is a buisness for some of us...

well.  I don't know her life story intimately but I will say she was
living in a very nice prestigious area in a lovely home with a nice
vehicle and trailer, healthy animals, all those things that I consider
well-to-do.  I am quite certain she sold my horse at a monetary loss
and was actually pretty happy about it!  I still email her and send
pics and she gets all thrilled and tickled when she sees the pics and
sends back glowing emails about how much he reminds her of his half
brother, sends pics back etc.  Its sort of a life long relationship
and I kinda get the feeling thats what she's in it for--- to keep up
with them and their accomplishments sorta like a happy happy granma.
When I tell people she is the one who bred my horse they always always
say something good about her.

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