that made me very sad Raven.  Jaspar is very stoic and acts like he
doesn't notice any of the other horses, he ignores them or when they
come into his space he will stalk away all grumpy or correct them.
But any time I take one of them away he gets mad about it.  When I
bring them back he will swish his tail and not speak to me for days.
When I took Stonewall away for training I thought my heart would break
in two because Jaspar would stomp the trailer floor angrily and call
and Stonewall would answer and was freaking out.  When we got home
Jaspar did not speak to me for two months.  And he had always acted
like he couldnt stand stonewall!  When we took Traveller to the Liz
clinic and came home Jaspar was in a snit for a couple of weeks.  But
when I take Jaspar away and come home, Traveller always comes to me
and thanks me, with his eyes glowing he is so grateful.  I can almost
see his smile!
yipie tie yie yo

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