> other horse (my own stjarni) he tucked his head and went faster.  on the
> other hand, after i mentioned this to my american-in-iceland friend, she
> suggeted alternating reins or squeeze-and-release, squeeze-and-release --
> which worked perfectly.  i'm told this is also how tb's are trained, so
> it's not a solely icelandic practice, either.

No, of course it's not a solely icelandic practice.  It's relatively new to 

You don't have to go there, or go to icelandic trainers, or to Americans in 
Iceland to get advice on slowing down a horse.  They are just learning these 
things, so it seems to me that it would be easier to get it from someone 
here first-hand who has long-time experience, than going there to get it 
from someone who has just recently learned it second-hand.

That's just logical to me.


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