On 4/10/07, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  We have been thinking about going to
> Equine Affaire in Columbus, Ohio this coming weekend.  We're just coming out
> of some unseasonably cold (record-breaking) weather this past weekend, and
> now I see the forecast for home, versus Columbus.  >
> Karen Thomas, NC

It's been unseasonably cold here too, but today's focast for this
weekend has it a bit warmer than what they had predicted yesterday.
Linda Tellington-Jones has 2 demos on Thurs and 2 on Fri.  I'll be
there Thurs, Fri and Sat., I offered to help out, but they have
enough, more qualified people.  I'll be coming from home each day as
we only live a little over an hour away and my husband works in
Columbus.  He'll be with me on Thursday (his day off).  I have him
drop me off at the freeway exit, on Fri and Sat as it's quicker than
waiting in traffic.  Let me know if you're coming I'll give you my
cell phone number and we can meet up for lunch or something.  Thursday
is usually the least crowded day for shopping.


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