what about bolting??  How do you cure the bolt.  My horses have only
bolted in terror from a deer leaping etc or when other horses bolt
they go also, called a "flight" by some people, a herd thing really.
Is it different than a "runaway"?  I have experienced a runaway twice
as a child/young person.  I was too ignorant and young to even know i
should have been terrified but in both cases I remember clearly
feeling the horse veering and somehow knew even then that the horse
was not in his right mind and was in total blind panic, just
completely out of control.  The old man told me that Jaspar's granma
was named "my special angel" but when she was in season he called her
"my special devil" and that one time she bolted and ran away and he
saw her headed for a tree and bailed off and she hit the tree and
actually knocked herself briefly unconscious.  he said if he had
stayed on lord only knows what would have happened.  DOES a one rein
stop work in a bolt/runaway?!?  It did with me once but he hot a tree
and I think he thought I kicked him that hard cause he went Whoof and
was an angel the rest of the day.  He hit the tree only inches behind
my ankle and if he had caught my ankle it would NOT have been good....
 but anyway.  I was thinking of this thru the canter thread and also
because icelandics they say, can be bolters since there are no trees
in iceland?  or is that folklore.

yipie tie yie yo

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