>>>I suffered the worst fall I've ever taken on that ride (riding the
quietest horse we've ever had, fell prey to a kid with a BB gun).  I had a
concussion and the dr's said I would have been a vegetable at best if I
hadn't had my helmet on.  PLEASE wear a helmet.

I remember one time when I came AWFULLY close to not wearing my helmet.  It
was very hot, and I started to the ring without it, but at the last minute
turned back and got it.  I was "only" going to ride in the ring,
walk/trot/canter.   I wasn't going to jump.  And I was "only" going to ride
Joe, whom we'd owned for 12 years and who had never dumped anyone, not under
any circumstances - he "never" spooked.  Well, Joe had never spooked before,
but for some reason, he spooked BIG that day, as we were cooling down at the
end of the ride.  I don't know why.  But, I ended up on the ground, unable
to move until Cary found me when he came home from work - luckily only about
10 minutes later.  I'd broken my L1 vertebra.  I didn't hit my head at all
in that particular fall, so I can't say the helmet saved me....but I think
that was simply the circumstances of that particular incident.  I could just
as easily landed on my head instead of on my back, as I've done a few other
times.  So, even though I can't credit the helmet for saving me that day, I
know now that an accident can happen on the best of horses, in the safest of
situations.  Even non-spooky horses like Joe CAN spook...or he could have
stumbled and fallen.  I've never since been tempted to ride without my

BTW, I did put the helmet under my knees in the ambulance on the way to the
hospital.  Lifting my knees helped relieve the pain a little...so the helmet
DID come in handy that day.  :)

Karen Thomas

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