By Catherine, of the dressage list:

My personal path is a little different than
most. I come from "collection" and is going
to "undoing" collected work into bits and
pieces. So, now for example, I am fascinated
by the walk.

Back to your question:

To collect a horse, one has to be sure
to have something to collect at the first place.

Also, to many nowadays, collection is reduced
into the ability to do the movements. But as
we know horses can perform all the advanced
movements without collection. (Klimke was a
genius at this, his horses were in horizontal
balance, but no one really noticed apart from
some journalists at the time).

I am studying a little, the various ways, of how
horses are being asked to carry riders, I found
myself passionate about the Basics because it
seems that no one is really interested in them (!)
while all are absolutely adamant that one cannot
escape having a good base while keeping in
mind the goal.

This I do not understand. Everybody is talking
about it but really, all want to do "collected work"
as soon as possible.

I saw a video from W. Zettle in which he says
all the right thing, but looking at the horses it is
all wrong. How come no one can see that the
horses are struggling under heavy handed and
harsh riders ? What happened to people's eyes ?

This is not collection and Mr Zettle may also know it,
but if his lifehood is at stake, he has to do what he can,
with the riders he met, as long as he is not nasty, and
I do not think he is. But why say good when it is no ?

I am the first to feel if I do bad work, but then, I do not
show it as Good. This is the difference. I am not harsh,
I am trying to keep the Truth about Collection going.

Well, I now truly believe that people have forgotten
how a collected Dressage looks or feels.

So,  not many horses are truly collected,
so being a very "end of the market" buyer,
my path has been more to take horses that
have been "compacted" and to uncompact them,
learning on the way the damage that bad training
create and therefore deepen my search about
energy and matter, bodies and ability to heal.

This was a made choice and also of course a
choice made, up there, for me. It is a little bit
like if you are a "Ferrari lover", you can only
afford to buy bits and pieces or broken ones
to fix.

Even if your Ferrari will never look as good as
a top class brand new garage kept one, you
sort of learn more on the way than most drivers
about the car, how it works, and you may
even be asked by other Ferrari owners for help.

Collection is  result, it is not  "another option".

To "prepare" towards collection is what
I am interested in, as I was trained to be.

A collected horse has to have the ability to
jump a 4 feet fence, halt, extend his trot without
losing balance at all and not hollow his back
going quicker in the tempo at extended trot.
His tail still has to swing gently with the rythm
of the pace, his hoof have to be placed softly
on the ground, toe first.

Everyone thinks they are collecting their horses,
I am a little more careful and cautious... To see
so many horses dragging their hindlegs and
performing advanced movement without collection
is a hallmark of the third millenium. I do not wish
to ride or train like this. So I am a little stuck in
"preparation" work, which I adore of course.

I hope you can see parts of "my world" and
thinking. Life brings us what we need and my
path is certainly at the low level of the ladder,
but I am getting serious now, I may even
climb on the second step soon.

I rode collection in the past with childish joy,
now, old and a little worn out, I think of how
to give this joy to others, without going banana
and telling everyone they are wonderful when
they are not : I think it is not fair on them.

I love people who are true and kind. These
people can see faults in themselves and others too,
but they will be interested. They are even the one
who will truly ride well one day, even if it does
take several lifetimes, as Kottas said.

Ah now, I have now to help an arthritic horse
to grow bigger in front and longer first, so that
he learns to let go of his tension and fears and
stop dragging and hitting the ground. I have to
help him to believe he is allowed to move like a

Longitudinal balance before anyting else.

Collection is not my aim, it is my base and I think
that everything else need deepening and looking into
much more. Some ride back to front, some ride front
to back. I would love to learn to ride from "above" the
middle as some masters can.

It also is maybe why we call it "the pyramid" of training ?

Best Regards,



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