--- In IceHorses@yahoogroups.com, "Judy Ryder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> He fox trots, but no tolt.
> Her most recent message to me:
> "I am pretty frustrated; spent a lot of money on his
> mother, spent a lot of money breeding to a good
> stallion and ended up with a horse that doesn't tolt."
> What would you say to her?  Suggestions?

I wonder if she studied the gaits of the parents at liberty and 
considered that and not only the "prize" classification of the horse 
and whether they were "good"? I wonder if the parents are 4 gaited? 
or what? I don't think looking at the evaluation scores alone is a 
good way to evaluate what kind of gait the horse might throw. 

I would stop trying to get him to tolt, would not send him for "gait 
training", if she really wants a tolting horse, maybe sell him as a 
nice trail horse, because foxtrot is nice for a trail horse, accept 
him for who he is, or find someone who will, it's not fair to the 
horse to not fully appreciate them as they are, no good will come of 


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