I have a comment.  I own another breed of horse that is a very very
very small gene pool, like 600 in the world.  (some twhbea people
argue they are just a bloodline of walking horses but actually they
were before walkers... but anyway)  the pure ones, are a very small
gene pool.  line bred all the way.  Icelandics in the US are a very
small gene pool.  I think when you breed for something in a huge gene
pool some things can slip by but in a small gene pool, uh oh trouble.
Cause even in a large gene pool like AQHA if you start breeding for
one specific thing you unleash pandoras box into the entire registry.
Like Impressive in AQHA horses.  In McCurdy Plantation horses, they
have started breeding for "the McCurdy Lick" a specific gait, a saddle
rack, totally ignoring so many mccurdys do a broad spectrum of gaits,
a wonderful multigaited tendency.  Also they breed for color, grey.
But at least they seem smart about that, most times not breeding grey
to grey.  altho I dont know why.  also they seem to be one of the few
if not ONLY registry that seems to prize and value their mares more
than studs.  I mean they talk about two or three like they are THE
mccurdy studs but many many many mares are pure LEGEND in the breed
and I have never heard redneck men rave about a mare like the mccurdy
people do.  Like my Stonewall's dam has been dead 6 years now and when
I am at a field trial or something and say he is half mccurdy complete
strangers will say "which mccurdy" and I will say "his dam was Son's
Magic Val" and they will just act so impressed and go "ol Val, now
there was a horse" and I even had one man take one look at Traveller
and say "is he out of May?!" and just make a beeline to go over his
legs etc.

I think it would behoove all registries to be so focused on mares and
to be cognizant of how critical it is to breed for what made the breed
so special for in the first place, not for showing.  Thank God
McCurdys don't have a show world!

yipie tie yie yo

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