>>>>There have been some pictures posted on other lists taken at the 
>>>>evaluations held in the USA a couple of weeks ago.  I saw nosebands 
>>>>digging into the soft tissue of the horse's noses - a couple of the 
>>>>pictures were posted by the horse's owner, who apparently saw nothing 
>>>>wrong with that.   I saw pictures of horses ridden with contact in long 
>>>>shanked bits (probably broken mouthed) WITH dropped nosebands.  The last 
>>>>time I checked the FEIF rules, that's illegal, but judges have been 
>>>>turning a blind eye to it for the past couple of years.  I saw riders 
>>>>sitting on the cantles of saddles - saddles that were already placed too 
>>>>far back.   These offenses are not some relic of the distant past - this 
>>>>was just a couple of weeks ago.  <<<<

Who are the riders in the pictures?


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