>>> which i just wish came in more than one seat size

Actually, they do.  You can order the seats extended by an inch, or you can
add the pommel and/or cantle bolsters as needed to shrink the seats.  Plus
you can adjust the stirrup position forward or backwards by a couple of
inches.  But, even without using all the adjustment options, my tall and big
husband, my tiny and short friend, and me can all use the same saddles for
at least an hour or two with no adjustments other than stirrup lengths.  I
can't think of another saddle that is more forgiving of rider size than
these.  Big old Cary rides in a standard seat-length trail model and thinks
it's the greatest thing since sliced bread.  (And if he didn't like sliced
bread so much, maybe he wouldn't be quite so big!)  If I buy another for
him, I'll get him an extended seat model, but he's not complaining at all.

Karen Thomas, NC

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