--- In IceHorses@yahoogroups.com, Judy Ryder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> However, if you can find what he DOES do naturally,
> and thru two-way communication, get him set in that
> gait, so that you AND he know about it, it's really a
> sweet place to be.
> Of course, that means YOU, the rider / trainer needs
> to know more about gaits :-).
> But you don't *have* to :-)

Different gaits can be hard to see, even in videos sometimes, I 
think I am getting better at it:) It's really harder to see what 
they are doing in real life, but I don't think it's impossible. I 
*think* I saw my filly (2yrs old) doing a nice running walk 
yesterday. I would be thrilled if she ends up doing a running walk, 
even though it's not really the signature gait of the KMSH. She does 
multiple gaits, she used to trot at liberty, I'm not sure if she is 
doing this anymore, I haven't seen it in a while, but I'm not there 
all the time. It seems to me that a RW would be a great, easy trail 

I should, for the fun of it, get Snorri out and see what kind of 
gait I can get him to do on a line. The video of Snorri and a 
mounting block maybe out, I realized that the "mounting block" is 
not being used as stairs for the above ground pool:), so I'll have 
to think of something else. The kids are usually around now that 
school is out, so maybe I can get them to take a video.


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