On 6/25/07, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>> Personally I do not believe rack/tolt are gaits "mostly human 
> >>>> influenced".
> I guess I read that a little differently from you, Janice.  I took Robyn to 
> mean that maybe rack/tolt might be the easiest to achieve via manipulation, 
> and that I agree with.  I know it is VERY human-manipulated in Saddlebreds.
> Karen Thomas, NC

well maybe she can clarify cause I still am a little confused.  Does
she mean of all the gaits human--manipulated, rack/tolt is easiest to
human-manipulate?  or does she mean that rack/tolt is the gait most
human influenced...  cause honestly, i would disagree since many if
not most walking horses do not do much other natural gait now but
rack/tolt spectrum gaits.  It seems almost the default gait of most
twh and rhbaa and ssh and rmsh and kmh horses now.

yipie tie yie yo

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