well you know how iffy these things are... one time my daughter dated
the most perfect guy.  It got really far along and they went on a
weeklong trip together.  Came back, broke up.  I asked why... she said
"he has weak arms".  And this is a guy i mean he was handsome, made a
nice living, polite, mannerly, a perfect gentleman,.  I said for
godssakes you cant overlook some weak arms?  And my husband says "what
are weak arms anyway does he have a disability??"  She said "aaahhh i
dont know just something about his arms looks weak".  sooo.  I think
we have two excellent candidates here, very handsome guys, seemingly
great matches...

but honestly she is the worst control freak on the planet, driving
people nuts, drives me nuts with stuff like "didnt you say we were
going to swim?  If we are going to swim we need to start by 5:17, swim
for an hour at most, be back by at least 6:30, tell Donny to have the
grill ready by 6:15..."  and I am like sheesh we are on freakin
vacation already!!

So much goes into a relationship.  Her matchmaker ad should say "very
cute short hardworking workaholic cardiac nurse, extreme control freak
who can never just lay around without a thought, also interrupts all
movies to ask a thousand times "what did she say??  What did he say??"
No wonder she's 35 and single...

yipie tie yie yo

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