>>>> Remember the video of the guy in Iceland beating his horse?  What about
the abuses in the Icelandic show world mentioned above?  Are they even

No, there's no punishment...they win or score highly...and/or they are in
demand to ride horses in evaluations.

I think there's plenty to find wrong in any show environment, but I have to
say, when Emily was showing hunters and dressage, most of the kids she
showed with had nice quiet hands, and didn't use ungodly pressure or make
rude, abrupt movements.  And when we did see something undesirable like
that, the kids almost never placed, and sometimes would even get
reprimanded. But mostly, we just didn't see much of it. I can't remember
ever seeing a hunter or dressage class entrant whose horse was so obviously
fighting the bit during the whole class -possibly for a moment during a
spook or during a jump refusal, but not during a whole class.  It's a given
that sort of reaction from horse means that there's a big problem and the
horse and rider has no business in a show ring until it's addressed.  Of
course I can't say exactly how these kids schooled their horses, but they
knew better than ride rough in public.   If this rough riding weren't
tolerated and even rewarded at Icelandic shows, I just betcha it would go
away quickly.  So... where ARE the judges looking while these nosebands are
so tight, the mouths are gaping, and the horses are swishing their tails and
bobbing their heads in discomfort?

Karen Thomas
(704) 516-3179

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