Would this be helpful?  Those of you who know Cary and Skjoni know that Cary
doesn't do a thing to force Skjoni into "tolt".  Generally, Skjoni defaults
to a saddle rack.  (He did do a slightly diagonal 'fox rack" at the Liz
Graves clinic last fall - I suspect that was because the footing was
different in the arena we rode in...?)

Anyway, last Thanksgiving, Cary rode him along this same stretch 3-4 times
so I could get pictures and a little video.  Here is a link to the
pictures - the camera was on "continuous" mode so the shots are VERY close
in time.  http://www.kodakgallery.com/I.jsp?c=4jh0nhxz.bccf2jvb&x=0&y=q0g64s

And here's a link to the video I uploaded to You Tube:

The pictures were taken literally only seconds before the video.  It's not
EXACTLY the same stretch in time, but very close to it, with no change in
terrain nor footing.

Karen Thomas

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