On Fri, Jun 29, 2007 at 03:49:30PM -0700, Judy Ryder wrote:
> > i'd give him a treat.  (not all the time.  it's better to be
> >> a slot machine than a vending machine, you want them to keep playing :)
> >
> > Really nice analogy here--I like that!
> Did you get to read the thread on the ClickRyder list about variable treats 
> / rewards versus 1:1 ratios?

i don't use a clicker with stjarni; i'm not that oriented towards
training him, really.  i did use that technique with great success 
with my dog, roses, but i varied the reinforcers a lot -- sometimes 
a "click" (i actually used a voice marker, a high-pitched "bingo!") 
would get her a tasty mouthful, other times a scritch, other times 
a full-fledged "jackpot" of treats and petting and praise and love.  
then i phased out the marker but left in the reinforcers, then varied
the reinforcer ratios.

this all comes from my (admittedly vague these days) rememberance of
pavlov and skinner, but my dog is awfully sweet and well-trained :)


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