hi...i'm going to the U to drop off some feed for huginn. they will
keep him until monday. on monday...they will run more tests. and they
will also scope him to see what is going on with his airway and
stomach. they think that being off feed, not drinking and the stress
of all the antibiotics, may have given him an ulcer on top of being
ill. <:9[    he is on Ulcerguard as a precaution.

his temp has stabilized...it's 102.. the IV penG helped with that. the
fluids they gave him ....are also helping and thanks to the IV
fluids...his poop is looking normal again! YAHOO.

huginn is eating his beet pulp/grain mixture ...but just nibbling on
hay...not really interesting in hay. they did add alfalfa hay to his
meals, in hopes that it would appeal to him, and something in that hay
is supposed to help him (??).

they ran a ton of tests and labs on him...no results..so far.

his white blood count is very...very high, and platelets are low.
according to the blood work he also has some inflammation...who knows

his lungs are still clear! his gut sounds are good!

his hooves are cool/cold/normal!! Thank the gods!

huginn is being stalled in the isolation unit..due to the fact that
the Vets do not know what is making him sick. so i am not allowed to
visit him. <:8[

i was told he is being an awesome boy~!!  he is very patient with the
Vets & Vet Techs and  he is easy to handle and work with. WHAT A GOOD

yesterday..when they had him in the exam stocks for over 2 hours...he
never moved...never complained. i think the staff assigned to
him...are falling in love with him. they all said they would love to
take him home...of course..after he is all better.

dixie...btw...is doing great! no temp...no signs of any illness. and
that is why the Vets are so baffled about what is going on with

dixie is very much missing her buddy huginn. she spent the nite in a
stall, as we have wild dogs in my area. this morning i let her out to
pasture and she ran around calling for huginn. broke my heart to see
her calling for him.

when i went down to barn...she would whinny/nicker to me and followed
me around like a dog. i think she's lonely.

my hubby dan and i are very tired...i don't think we slept at all last
time. trying to figure out what could be causing huginn to be ill.

your continued love, prayers, healing light and support are sure
appreciated!!  PLEASE keep it coming.

so...that is all i know. will post more as the info comes in.  THANKS!!!!

Lucy & Molly, the Girl Doggies
Huginn & Dixie Chick, the Back Behind the Barn Ponies

Respect ALL Earthlings. We are all animals of this planet. We are all creatures.

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