>>>> trace it back Judy!  I could not help them like they need to be helped, 
>>>> but someone else has done a huge service for them, and its because you 
>>>> have these lists.  God bless you Judy...  i am still weepy about this!

>> I must say that I've learned over the years that our
>> breed attracts some very different people!
> Maybe we don't want to go there - but why do you think that is?

Karen said:  "there are the people who MUST have the exotic and collectible 
animal, something "different" to impress the neighbors."

I think the Icelandics attract basically two kinds of people:

[] those who buy because of the exoticness (not only the breed's difference, 
but having a special saddle, special trainer, etc., buying into the breed 

[] and those who buy *inspite* of it.

I would say that ten years ago, probably 99% of the people buying Icelandics 
were in the first category.

Today, I would say that the tables are reversing, and we have probably 70% 
to 75% or more in the second category; people who can see past the 
misrepresentations, the not-so-good training and riding, the odd evaluation 

At one time, everyone *had* to do whatever the Icelanders said, with no 
questions asked.  It was a period of time where the Icelanders were in "fat 

Now, we ask questions, we reason things out, we mainstream the breed; things 
are much better for the horses as well as the owners at this point in time.

Many of the people who bought a decade ago, and went down the first path, 
have come to realizations, been inspired, and switched to the second category.  
I believe they are happier for it;  maybe even relieved!

We still have the new people who are drawn in by the Icelanders, and that 
style of riding and training, and unquestioningly believe everything that is 
done and said.  These can be highly educated people; who knows what happens 
to common sense!  :-)

We have made great strides in the past decade in our educational level of 
gaits, anatomy, conformation, breeding, training.  Pat ourselves on the 

When it boils down to it, I think many of us, being "mature" adults, mostly 
women, are fulfilling a childhood dream of owning a pony.  Let's face it, a 
fluffy pony is much less intimidating than a horse!

We want something that is calm; we want something that is smooth; we want a 


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