on Horsemans Edge or the Horse show or something on RFDTV this week is
the guy from Myler talking about bits and bitting.  In typically
maddening totally ridiculous non-informative way he shows videos of
horses acting up and describes perfectly the problem "see this horse
is wringing his tail and bracing, look at his mouth, his tongue is
drawn back, he is seeking tongue relief...

then of course he says something like how myler bits in various styles
offer various levels of tongue relief.  and there you have it.  in
essence what he said was, see these horses are in pain, they need
tongue relief,  They need a bit made to relieve pain in the mouth.
Then says not one word on how to FIX it.  did not show one bit
configuration which might, for example, offer tongue relief.  and this
is very important to me personally since I have one horse, Fox, who is
always seeking tongue relief and I just cant seem to find a way to
give it...  the only thing that seems even slightly ok is a happy
mouth french link but he still gapes and tries to get relief when I
first put it on.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrr  i hate this!
yipie tie yie yo

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