This morning, almost noon, it got so hot.  I let all the horses out in
front and started bathing them all to cool them, I hosed Traveller
down first.  Two horses later I look and Traveller is standing on the
other side, enjoying where the water was accidentally landing on him.
Then he came around the other side and got closer and closer all
nonchalant until he was so close he was making GB at the cross ties
nervous.  So I turned and sprayed him to make him move off a little
actually, but that was what he wanted, and he would turn this way and
that, turn his rear, turn to face me and lift his head so I could do
his chest  :)  It was really nice.  he came back three more times.  He
really enjoys water...

also, I am enjoying all the fun things I can say after wetting
Tivar...  because like clockwork he will not walk three steps before
he drops and rolls even tho still on the lead.  So I told my husband,
here, and untied tivar and gave him the lead.  I said "watch it its
kinda slippery there i wouldnt want him to fall down..."  and my
husband leads him three steps and goes Heyhey!  Hey he's falling
down!"  hahahaha.  i gotta think of some more ways to get fun mileage
outa this one with people.  Like "hey, would you mind holding my
horse?  be careful tho he has seizures...""or hey, watch this," and
point at him and go "
play dead".

or I could point at him and go "would you rather be a walking horse or
dead" and then he would go down with his feet in the air...  I could
film it for funniest animal videos...

yipie tie yie yo

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