>>>> Why aren't you just using a Sensation?  V

That's a really good question!  Seriously, I have people of all sizes and
shapes come to ride here, and I have horses of different sizes and shapes.
I've sold my last treed saddle (I still have a couple of Wintecs, but I
can't remember the last time one saw the light of day.)  I sold the BMSS
treeless last month, and I just feel like I should have at least one
non-Sensation saddle around here, "just in case."  Some people do find the
Torsions and BMSS more "secure", and that's why I'd like to keep one of that
genre.  I just bought this saddle to be a spare so to speak, but after I saw
how cute it looked on Melnir, I thought I'd try to use it for him.  Cuteness
is not so important though, if I'm not sure the saddle will work, so I will
probably stick to a Sensation for Melnir.   I think the Torsion is a good
choice for some of the other Icelandic's though - the medium-to-large
ones... and if I could use a smaller seat size, one might be fine for him

Karen Thomas

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