I just got off the phone With Raven, we talked and talked this
afternoon and again this evening,

The first call was the results of the scope, It showed that he has
bastard Strangles... They popped/drained one abscess in his throat,
they also found a suspicious spot in his belly...That was actually the
good news to tell you the Truth...Because they felt that he should be
able to go home on Thursday after the scope as by then he will have
been on the antibiotics for 6 days... They said they wanted to do one
more test to check that tummy spot before they would release him...
the Vet thought he would be stable enough to go home.. He would need
to be quarantined at her farm until he had 3 clean swabs... which
would be about 6 weeks minimum...

They did more blood work today, the results came back this evening,
Raven called me back to tell me about them, she is really upset now
you guys as his Kidney and Liver Enzymes are VERY HIGH...  higher then
they were, Friday, higher then Sat, Higher then Sunday... so they are
thinking that there might be abscesses on both his kidney and his
liver... so that means ultrasounds and more time maybe at the U...

The Vet bill is going to be close to, if not over $10,000... Raven is
going to be going through her things and selling as much as she can,
she will compile a list for us...

I know she is going to sell her back up saddle, a beautiful very
lightly used Sensation, with a skito pad and dixie midnight pad, she
is talking about selling her "New to her" RV... as well as some other
tack... Just so she can make the payments she will have to the U of M
if they let her make payments, she will find this out tomorrow...

For sure her riding season is over for this summer, and maybe the rest
of the year...

This never should have happened folks, we both were at an endurance
Clinic two weeks before Huggin got sick..  one of the horses that was
there was sick, snotty nose, the owner, and the owners daughter were
helping with the Clinic, they did a "VET CHECK" on Raven's horse,
Raven said, "did you wash your hands I know you have a sick horse",
the girl said "yes"... Raven did not realize they were Mother and
Daughter or I think she may not have let either one of them touch her
horse, HINDS SITE... I am kicking myself cause I knew and thought she
realized that, but she missed that bit of info... anyway, I had
another person vet check Jewel, she was in their group, they actually
did a pulse recovery check via the mouth.. she asked them if they had
washed their hands, apparently NOT!!!!

They both acted like it was no big deal... it was just a cold... well,
mad... Raven is so mad... rightly so...

I am racking my brain trying to figure out how to help her turn this
Lemon into Lemonade, this is just devastating for her. So, if any of
you have any ideas, please pass them on to me.

I suggested she do her Reiki as she is now qualified to do that... she
is good too...

At the moment she is not up to being on the lists much, I will be in
touch with her... we talk frequently... so I will keep you posted and
pass any ideas on for her.... As soon as she gets her list compiled
she will post it, we have been talking about that tonight too...
please continue your vigil for Huggin, Raven, her husband Dan and of
course Dixie, she has been very depressed and lonely... Raven almost
brought her into the house last night... instead they went for a long
walk as I am sure most of you read earlier...

As I get more info, I will pass it on...

Debbie in MN
~ I soar with the Eagles...as I float on the back of my barefoot gaited 

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