Dear Wonderful Friends of Huginn,

I finally got in to see Huginn~!! Late this morning Dr. Tan from the U of MN 
called me to let me know that Huginn's temp was once again high, it was 102.5. 
Up from 99-100 the night before. Dr. Tan stated that she was very, very worried 
about Huginn, and concerned about the fact that his temp was up again.  She was 
afraid that he had taken a turn for the worse.

His white blood count is also up...higher that the last CBC. And his platelet 
count is still low.  On the other hand....his liver enzymes were a bit lower!  
What the heck is going on?!?

Dr. Tan bumped up the G-Pen from 17 cc to 33 cc. She also added another 
antibotic (?) to fight gram positive bacteria. And Huginn is back on baninmine 
to try to control his temps.

It was wonderful to see my cute little pony!  When I arrived at his isolation 
stall, he had his butt to the door, as soon as he heard my voice, he quickly 
spun around and put his cute little nose over the tall wall to see to get to 

I was so happy to see Huginn! I really needed him to know that I love him very 
much and it's so important to me that he does not feel like I have abandoned 
him. I let him told that there are so many wonderful people all over the world 
who are praying for him, sending him love and healing energy. I let him know 
that Dixie is waiting for him to come home. I just hugged him and gave him a 
ton of my love.

I also groomed him and after that, he laid down for a bit.

Before I left the vet tech asked me to try to get him to eat, but he was not 
very interested in any of the food that was offered. 

The hospital staff is taking excellent care of my baby...but I 
really.....really want him home! I miss him dearly.

Here are a few photos of our visit. Sorry they are not the best. I had been 
crying half the day, so I look like crap and I had to wear two gowns ...felt 
like I was wearing a tent.

I hope that Debbie chimes in and writes more. Honestly...I am totally 
spacey...I can not think right. Half the day, I kept asking Debbie where we 
were at, as I just could not get my bearings. I think I am just very tired and 
over stressed. 

I want to thank ALL of you for everything you are doing to try to help Huginn. 
I am humbled by your love and support. You have no idea how much 
strength...because of you!

I want to give a BIG THANK Debbie, she has been my rock!  I love you 
...girlfriend!    My hubby Dan thanks you for being there for me today, while 
he was at work. He loved spending time with you over dinner and the giggles you 
gave him. And of course, chatting about CA with ya...gave Dan a welcomed... 
mental break. 

Tomorrow Huginn will have another endoscope and they planned on doing a 
complete body ultrasound to try to see if he has a hidden abscess or tumor that 
they may be missing.  I am hoping that I am able to bring Huginn home ...SOON!

I will try to update you as soon as I know more. I promise I will try to answer 
your emails...hopefully tomorrow or this weekend. 

THANK YOU ALL FOR EVERYTHING!     You guys are the best! 

Please feel free to anyone I may have missed. 

Raven, Dan and Huginn


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