On 05/07/07, Robyn Hood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We have done lots of demos around other breeds of horses and we always have
> to be careful because, especially with several Icelandics gaiting together,
> it can really scare other horses.  The Grand Prix jumpers seem especially
> unnerved so we pay a lot of attention to walk slowly around them.
> Robyn

Once when we took Peppy (a miniature) to a clinic, one of the mares
there was extremely frightened of him.  So the owner and I took it as
a learning opportunity and I helped her get her mare accustomed to

She was finally brave enough to to allow us to get within sniffing
distance .....and Peppy responded by firing both shot guns at
her...sigh..  So we worked through that, and within about 20 minutes,
she was fine with him.   I helped the owner by just walking back and
forth past her all the while gradually getting closer with Peppy...and
if we got too close we would back off until she was comfortable again.

I think it's always best to take an opportunity to help a frightened
horse,  because someday I'll need the favour back..


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