I Just got home and found this note from Raven, she sent it an hour or
so ago... YES!!!! ( I was at a friends letting Shorty, our 18 month
old play with Dolly May a cute little 9 week old Scotty/schnouzer
cross... what a DOLL... I will get pictures of them next time we go

I want to thank you all for your Donations to Pay Pal, I asked Raven
to check her account, since she rarely goes to her AOL account
anymore... She said she sat at the computer crying when she realized
how much was in her Pay Pal account... ALL FROM YOU GUYS... Thank
you... we still have a ways to go, but I tell you, every little bit
adds up and makes a difference when it is all put together... My Dream
is to pay for most if not all of her Vet bill.. THANK YOU...

We have a great Start guys... Thanks to you, Bia, I want to think you
for your Idea to do it now...

She has already received a couple checks in the mail, I told her to
keep checking carefully, because someone warned me that the Bill Pay
checks can look like Junk Mail.. so she is.. She received the Sweetest
note from a young man, who gave her some of his own hard earned money,
she shared that letter with me last night, I of course started crying
right there in the middle of the Entry way of the Restaurant...

I have to tell you, that Dan, her husband looked like a weight had
been lifted he looked relaxed and relieved. I know he was really
worried about how they were going to handle this set back, Financially
and emotionally...

I assured him then and again last night that Raven is a part of a
great and loving horse community, I told him that I believe we will
succeed with My dream... Your Heart gifts, be they, Prayers, Energy,
love, support, research, calling us, donations of all sorts are all
appreciated... Thank you so much.

This has been a very long roller coaster ride for Raven, Dan and
Huginn... I think we are coming to the end, Please keep your Heart
gifts coming, enegy and prayers especially, as he comes home for his
TLC and continued antibiotics...

2 hours ago

Dr. Tan just called. Huginn can come home~! He is still not eating a
lot, but...no fever since Wednesday.

All three (3) strangles cultures came back negative.  He will be
continued on both gram positive and gram negative antibiotics for
eight (8) more days. Then I need to bring him back to the U of
MN...for another endoscope to re-check his lymph nodes.

More later...when I get the full discharge orders. I'm so happy!

Lucy & Molly, the Girl Doggies
Huginn & Dixie Chick, the Back Behind the Barn Ponies


RIGHT NOW!!!!  1:40 PM on SUNDAY I just got a call, Huginn is on his
way home!!!!!  He is in the trailer and Raven is driving him home.. YA

Debbie in MN Huginn's Hospital Fund sites http://iceryder.net/ravenhuginn.html
~ I soar with the Eagles...as I float on the back of my barefoot gaited Morgan ~
Deb's Track system http://picasaweb.google.com/dakota.charm/TrackForHorses

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