This ride on Saturday was an absolute blast.  The first half at least was on
a narrow trail in the forest around a mountain lake.  We had water
crossings, logs to cross and a lot of zoom zoom winding through the trees.
Can you spell speed rack?

The second half was mainly unimproved dirt roads and even a few nasty
sections of freshly graveled roads that required walking.  Hunter reverts
(with my encouragement) to trot when he begins to tire and later in a ride,
to canter.

I just can't imagine it's good for him to rack for 30 miles.  I try very
hard to sit right in the center and be very quiet in the saddle.  There are
pictures, but they're pretty awful.  He is ventroflexed because of racking
and my toes are sort of pointing out (instead of parallel with his sides).



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