Dear Friends of Huginn,

My pony came home late Sunday afternoon, Huginn was very happy to be
home. And Dixie was so trilled to see her buddy. ~:]

Huginn is still on antibiotics, this time he is on Naxcel (2xday) for
seven days. He is still on Gastorgard, to protect his tummy.

Yesterday, Huginn was still not really eating, but today...he did eat
his meals. Of course, he was out to pasture all day (with his cotton
sheet on).

Huginn is very unsure of me approaching him with a halter, and runs
away. I am sure he is afraid that I am going to do a procedure on him.

All three cultures back back negative for strangles.

So...the diagnosis on his discharge papers list:
Retropharyngeal lymphadenopathy

It also states: High calcium levels are considered to be part of a
paraneoplastic syndrome associated with cancer. It is possible that
Huginn's retropharyngeal lymph nodes are enlarged as part of an early
stage of lymphoma.

Huginn is scheduled to return to the U of MN next Monday for a
follow-up endoscope.

Here's a link to a few coming home photos

I want to thank you for all the wonderful support you have given
Huginn, and my family. Not a day has gone by that I do not feel the
power of your love, prayers, healing light, energy and support.


Lucy & Molly, the Girl Doggies
Huginn & Dixie Chick, the Back Behind the Barn Ponies

Respect ALL Earthlings. We are all animals of this planet. We are all creatures.

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