He had is last immune stem, not sure how Raven spells that, and acupuncture
treatment yesterday.. for a total of 3 treatments...  temps as of yesterday
have been Normal... right now we are in a wait and see pattern, no
antibiotics since last Weekend...

High temps can be a side effect from the treatments, but so far, so good...

So, She is in a holding pattern now... Blood work last week still showed
High Calcium, did you see that update, I send it out blind and so does
Raven, I sometimes wonder if it goes through to all the lists that way...  I
think she sent it out on Monday

Debbie in MN ~  Please check out how we can all help raise money for
Huginn's Hospital Fund  ~  http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dgtrq74d_386xtqp
~~~~~~~~~~~If we all do a little, we will have a lot!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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