hey, this saturday I am going to ride my horse Jaspar in the Wausau FL
Possum Festival parade.  its only a 15 minute or so parade, always a
sorta comical festival where they crown a possum king and queen, and
they are always the ugliest not the most attractive contestants.  they
try and make themselves as ugly as possible blacking out teeth etc.  I
swear I am not making this up.  Anyway.  I wanted to ride Tivar in it
but he has an eye owie right now and has to wear a mask and he is a
horse that gets very impatient and aggravated with standing around and
waiting etc.  And it will be hottern the dickens!  anyway.  I was
telling my husband he should go and lead Nasi and walk along beside us
in the parade and us dress Nasi up to look like a possum.  would that
be cute or WHAT.

so how could I make Nasi into a possum...  i was thinking I could wrap
his tail in brown packaging/masking tape and he could wear these
easter bunny ears I have.  I could make a cone and attach it to a
halter and put a little round ball on the pointy end for a nose?....
any ideas??  I bet he would make the news ....

yipie tie yie yo

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