> My hard keeper, not that old or underweight, but still a hard keeper,
> looks the best he ever has on about 3 lbs of Purina Ultium.  Pricey
> stuff, but the oil and beet pulp in it, I think helps a lot.  He
> doesn't like to eat a lot so I had to get as many calories with the
> least amount of bulk.  Sounds like he's enjoying his life.

We have a friend who has a similar old gelding and we are in
competition to see who can fatten the horse fastest :)  He is doing so
much better than me... but doing so much.  I want to do one thing at a
time so I know which one is doing the job.  I am doing weight builder
and strategy now, with not much success except he is shiney, feels
better and is not colicky anymore knock on wood.  Our friends horse is
on ultium, a pound twice a day added to equine senior.  He has put on
about fifty pounds this month.  When the weight builder runs out i am
going to feed the same amount of strategy and add ultium.  But isnt a
pound twice a day a lot??  Most people say they just add a little
scoop or two??  I have tried beet pulp and strategy, no weight gain.
yipie tie yie yo

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