On Tue, Jul 31, 2007 at 11:43:38PM -0500, Pam Hansen wrote:
> >>>Sorry All, the saddle sold within minutes of my post on the Treeless 
> >>>Chat<<<
> Gosh, I hope they don't have any hip or physical problems.  I would
> hate for someone to hear how wonderful you all say they are and then
> have it hurt like me..... 

at $750 it's a bargain, and i expect the buyer can treat it as a trial and 
sell it for at least that much if it doesn't work out.

i have chronic pain too, but the sensation doesn't seem better or worse
for it than any other saddle i've tried.  but it is better for my riding
position than my other saddle, so i use it mostly.  some of my students
definitely do better in the sensation, while others prefer my treed
saddle (a hrimnir).  we don't quite have the modelling technology around
yet to know in advance what will or won't work, so it's very often worth
taking the time to experiment.

(we also tried an ansur treeless, and BOY did that not work AT ALL....  :)


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