I just got a puppy too..

This link is Dakota, the black Schnoodle who has been so sick, was attacked,
lost 70% of his pancreas, then became diabetic and lost his site... He might
have Cancer now, is on Antibiotics 2x's a day... I was going to wait till he
passed to get another puppy, BUT....

Shorty is the adult Buff, also a Schnoodle playing with Dakota


And on this Link is LaKeata??? she is a 10 week old Schnoodle, half brother
on the sire's side to Shorty..


We bought Shorty last time Dakota was so sick... 18 months ago... the
breeder is going out of business and discounted this puppy... Shorty became
Dan's Dog, instantly... and this cute little girl has bonded to me
Instantly... funny, I carried them both home in the car both times...  She
already curls up at my feet with Dakota, where ever I go, she is MELLOW
Yellow... maybe I should call her Mountain Dew???

Debbie in MN ~  Please check out how we can all help raise money for
Huginn's Hospital Fund  ~  http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dgtrq74d_386xtqp
~~~~~~~~~~~If we all do a little, we will have a lot!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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