>>>When I first started
riding along time ago I just threw a saddle on and
went.  Who knew that they had to fit.  Funny.  But it
is true. 
I think that, hopefully, most people could say "if I knew a week, month,
year, 10 years ago, what I know now I would do things differently".

I have ridden for well over 50 years and it was only about 15-18 years ago
that really started to look at saddle fit and then people it was a real
novelty.  You just put the saddle on, moved it around a bit to see if it was
in the 'right' place and as long as it wasn't sitting on the horse's
withers, off you went.

There are still so many different opinions about saddle fit, as there always
will be, but listening to the horse goes a long way IME (in my experience).

Icelandic Horse Farm 
Robyn Hood & Phil Pretty
Vernon BC Canada


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