By Kelly:

Two horses were electrocuted at the stables where I board my horse.
The first died at about 10 am. The owner's daughter was leading the 
horse into the indoor arena when it suddenly squealed then started 
convulsing and went down. I was grooming my horse when I heard her 
screaming for help. 

The horse continued to convulse for another 3-5 
minutes before it died. I was the most horrific thing I have seen in 
a long time.(I'm an ICU nurse--I've seen alot!) We thought the horse 
must have ruptured an aneurysm, she was 18 years old. 

Everyone at the 
barn was shook up, but 2 of us decided to go down trail anyhow, what 
else could we do? At 11:30 we got a call on the cell phone, get back 
to the barn, another horse has died!! What??? You've got to be 
kidding!! This can't be happening!! 

Then we found out the second 
horse died in the indoor arena, in the same general area as the 
first! In hindsite, in between the 2 deaths, a pony led into the 
arena reared and got away from the girl leading way would 
that pony go back toward that area...everyone figured it sensed death 
had occurred...then another very bomb proof horse did the same 
thing...again... horses have been known to sense death and react 

My friend then led her horse into the arena, decided to 
lead her over to the area, to make sure she wouldn't be afraid. The 
horse balked, but then followed her owner, collapsed and died almost 

We had about 4 inches of rain on Tuesday, and there 
was some flooding of the indoor arena. We came to find out an 
electrical line was buried under this arena to feed the back barn, 
built at a later date. 

The two horses that died had shoes on both 
back & front,conducting a lethal amount of electricity to the 
horses. The pony and bomb proof horse only had front shoes, so they 
got shocked, but not enough to kill them. 

It was a horrible day. 

Thank god no one was riding, and no people were injured or killed. I 
still can't believe this happened. It is a nightmare. Kelly NE Ohio 

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